Thursday, February 18, 2010

Who Started Bangbus Who Started This Nonsense About The Large Hadron Collider Destroying The World?

Who started this nonsense about the Large Hadron Collider destroying the world? - who started bangbus

It seems you can hardly see the section on astronomy and space without seeing a dozen questions on this topic. Where are all these rumors come from? Who has all this, and why so many non-scientists are not willing to rely on rumors about the opinions of experts?


Sannit said...

Non-scientists are always willing to rely on hearsay for an opinion. That is how the world works.

The same kind of rumors that happened when the bomb was released. People love surprises. Is striking. You do not have the Higgs bosons and gravitons, or the discovery of new dimensions or progress toward finding a unified theory of care, they care if they go to a fireworks display tomorrow. And if it turns out that the fireworks: The end of the world, they are heroes and the campaign against him.

I'm just waiting for someone so naive as to a bet with me that to do. Five large as the LHC will not destroy the world! No tenant?

suitti said...

Four phenomenon is happening here. First, some real honest scientists are speculating on the possibility of creating a micro black hole, which occur in collisions of higher energy prices could. Second, science is an open and cooperative, it was speculated the public. Scientists discussed the calculations were made, and some said that although insurance would be great if the objects can be detected. That's all for science. Third, there are people against science, and I also creationists, right-wing politicians, and so on. They have combed the literature for ammunition that easily acquire the public. Even better, if they get a direct quote - but outdated - a true scholar. They act as if this is fair game. But as R.ticos know better and can not even correct, it's just a lie. And then, later, half the people in Y! A are below average.

This is just math. It is probably even worse. There are enough people on Yahoo! Who should have less than 15 years, and had no time to have much contact with science. If you're wondering on the Yahoo! Those are probably above average for her age. And since I'm on Yahoo! A few minutes at most, I do not know, try searching the previous answers. I have very bad luck with Y! We are looking for.

So here is your task as one of the answers. Advocacy. It is perfectly OK to save your previous answers in a text file and paste it at any time. At least while actually answered the question.

In the scientific community have one thing in common with, say Christians. In Christianity, the extension called evangelism. And most Christians do not like it. In fact, it is usually totally biblically ignorant and ill informed that fundamentalists appear to be involved. At least for science, scientists, even part of PhD.

Urwumpe said...

I think someone who prefers to remain anonymous.

The scientific criticism, I can mention is Professor Otto Rossler of Germany. A famous biochemist who has written about the theoretical particle physics as a hobby. Publication of general relativity, will be expanded and included as a basis for their way in the ECHR and has been found, many misunderstandings and errors.

In addition, people should be afraid when she is on the search for the God particle (Higgs boson) is always harmless from the existing cosmic Oh-my-God-particles (protons was known 300,000. 000 TeV or 50 J Energy, measured in 1991 and one of 15 measures in the last 50 years of cosmic radiation power of the LHC)

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